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Massage Class Testimonial
It occurred to us that giving each other massage would help us to age more gracefully together. We like relying on each other for our needs. Keeping each other strong is a source of pride for us.
I want you to know that your class was a great experience for us. You shared a ton of information with us and gave us the opportunity to practice and discover the right way to do things. Four hours was a wise investment and you were very fair in pricing. We see a need to come back for a refresher course every now and then, perhaps for an hour or two, because there’s obviously so much to learn and refine. We were slow to practice after the class because of our busy lives, but returning to your handouts and our pictures taken during class, we have succeeded in bringing each other some much needed loving touch. In our excitement, we even went out and bought a massage table.
Last, I want to tell you a little story about how this class paid off immediately. For the week leading up to our first practice after your class, my wife was complaining of her back pain returning. She griped about old age and the need to do tons of exercises from the Physical Therapist for the rest of her life. I gave her somewhere between 15 and 30 minutes of massage as you taught me, mostly on her back. Later that day while I was watching TV, she came to me and said that since the massage her back had not hurt at all and she was very grateful for what I had done for her. Thank you for that profound gift!
Stephen and Jackie L. (Bridgewater, VA)

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